“Forest Festival of the Arts Okayama: Clear-Skies Country” Executive Committee(“the project office”) complies with the following policy to manage and deal with personal information appropriately.

1. Collection of personal information

When collecting personal information the project office will inform the respective individuals of the purpose of use of such information. We will use such information only to serve the said purpose upon agreement by the respective individuals.

2. Use and provision of personal information

The collected personal information will not be used for purposes other than those originally intended, except with the consent of the individuals concerned, when the information is used in a manner that does not identify or specify the individuals, or when the provision of the information is required by law or regulation. We will not provide personal information to third parties without the permission of the individual, except as required by law.

3. Appropriate management of personal information

The project office will take all possible measures to ensure that the collected personal information is accurate and kept up-to-date and prevented from leakage, loss, destruction, tampering and illegal access.

4. Supervision of contractor

The project office will ensure outsourced contractors to strictly manage entrusted personal information as a part of contracted operation and supervise those contractors accordingly.

5. Confirmation and/or revision of personal information

In case a respective individual requests for disclosure of his/her own personal information, the project office will check the request and respond as appropriate. In case a respective individual requests for the revision of existing information as it is contrary to the facts, the project office will investigate and respond to the request appropriately.

6. Compliance and improvement of the system of personal information protection

The project office will comply with Japanese laws and guidelines regarding the protection of personal information and ensure that above clauses are reviewed and the system of personal information protection is improved as appropriate.

Purpose of usage of personal information

The project office will use the given personal information as necessary in order to provide information about the festival as well as responding to inquiries.

Inquiry Regarding Personal Information

“Forest Festival of the Arts Okayama: Clear-Skies Country” Executive Committee Office
TEL: +81(0)86‐226‐7843
E-mail: forestartfest@pref.okayama.jp
