
Michael Lin

Michael Lin/マイケル・リン

Michael Lin,Standard Colors 2024,2024
Forest Festival of the Arts Okayama
Photo by Takeshi Asano / Supported by JR West

Michael Lin is an artist living and working in Taipei and Brussels. Lin turns away from painting as an object of contemplation toward one of painting as a bounded, physical space, one we can settle into and inhabit. Lin orchestrates monumental painting installations that re-conceptualize and reconfigure public spaces. Using patterns and designs appropriated from textiles his works have been exhibited in major institutions around the world, National Gallery of Victoria 2017, Taipei Fine Arts Museum 2019, Museum of Contemporary Art, Toronto, Jumex Museum, Mexico City 2020, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York in 2022 and most recently a commission at The Hayward Gallery in London 2023. Transforming the institutional architecture of the public museum, his unconventional paintings invite visitors to reconsider their usual perception of those spaces, and to become an integral part of the work, giving meaning to its potential as an area for interaction, encounter, and re-creation.

Michael Lin/マイケル・リン

Photo: Julia Bahlsen
